The theme for this event is ‘Beyond the Sustainable Development Goals: Who, What and How?’

As the timelines for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (2015-2030) come to an end, it is important to determine the way forward. There are clear signals that the SDGs have not achieved what they set out to do, at the same time; it is evident that immediate and effective strategies are required to find a way forward to address the triple planetary crises. The role of the built environment in forging a path ahead is critical.

In consultation with the steering committee and WSBE organisers, topics to be considered are (not an exhaustive list):

  • Buildings

  • Infrastructure

  • Tools, standards, certification, indicators, MFA, LCA

  • Policies and government engagement

  • Value chain actors

  • Technology: AI, VR, and other digital applications

  • Social and just approaches

  • Procurement and purchasing

  • Design

  • Market transformation

  • Materials and bio-based approaches

  • Financing

  • Approaches and drivers: SDGs, circularity, sustainable, green

  • Role of government, policies, international drivers and platforms for engagement (e.g. the Buildings Breakthrough)

Please note this is an indicative program and subject to change. A detailed program will be made available closer to the conference date.